Saturday, July 14, 2012

Hello Cameron!

Someone (you know who you are =P) has been bugging me to update my blog for quite some time, so here I am!

Just something short on my recent trip to Cameron Highlands, with my KB friends =)

It was a quick decision to go on the trip. We discussed about it during roti canai session at night and we went off the next morning! It took us about 4.5 hours drive to reach there. It was chilly, rainy and wet but that didn't dampen our spirits!

It wasn't our first time in Cameron, but we still visited the 'must-see' places~

many cacti
And of course, pics and pics and pics
A sea of red

Mushrooms in different colours and shapes and sizes
group photo with the big strawberry!
And then, afternoon tea with strawberry-type of food: strawberry milkshake, strawberry muffin, strawberry waffles, strawberry pancake, strawberry yoghurt, scones....

afternoon tea

As it was raining, we went back to our apartment....for MAHJONG =P (yes we brought the mahjong set all the way to Cameron!)

according to Wei Yong, mahjong is an important tool to mengeratkan hubungan
We had steamboat dinner, then went to Starbucks for coffee/tea while chatting the night away....that branch is probably the closest branch for us from KB!

warm night with coffee and tea and good company

Next morning we went to BOH tea plantation and had a sweet breakfast (yes, cakes and tea)


sugar high
Then we walked around the market stalls to shop for vegetables and food stuff to bring home. After that it was bye bye Cameron.....

We stopped by at my aunt and uncle's restaurant in Gua Musang for lunch...yum yum 


stingray bakar with special homemade chilli sauce
My aunt must be thinking that she is feeding 5 giants...hahaha...because she cooked so much!!!

Post trip thoughts:
Nice quick getaway to de-stress.
We should have annual trips from now on =)

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


So for the past few months I got asked a lot of times what I have been doing.

'Nothing,' was what I wanted to say. But instead I told them that I was growing mushrooms.

Angelene thought I was growing these:

I was like, 'HELLO?! Do you think I can really grow REAL mushrooms?!'

Cheah Yen, on the other hand, started talking to me about this show she watched about how to grow mushrooms, specifically 'the famous shiitake mushroom'.

Which are these:

'During early stage they need sufficient water one wor, only when they reach certain size then only stop watering.'

Err okay. I told Cheah Yen that the mushrooms on us already reached that size that don't need watering any more.

Thank goodness we both don't have to wait any longer now.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

hello again

It has been a while.

Since the last post till today, many events have occurred. I have finished my studies, went on the graduation trip with my friends to North Island of New Zealand, attended graduation ball, graduated, and bid goodbye to Australia.

Arrived KL on the evening of 22 December 2011, then flew home the next day. Thank goodness it is still the monsoon season - or else I would have complained of the heat =P

Hopefully I can upload some pics around CNY. I still don't have my faithful desktop with me yet - it is still unassembled (like how Daniel helped me to dismantle it before I came back to Malaysia), and in KL. I shall be patient.....