Saturday, September 25, 2010

Baby 'talk'


在special care nursery里面有几个婴儿,睡相很可爱。在等着医生讨论事情的当儿,我们就和婴儿‘讲话’。同学对其中一个婴儿说道,“Welcome to the world of evil. Don't study med.' =P


yeuyeu said...

Good advice! 15 years down the track, the grown up "baby" will hear a little voice back in his/her mind telling him/her "don't study med". Haha!

*jeSSicA* said...

yeuyeu: why 15 years? he/she will still be in high school...erk, that sounds like some auditory hallucinations, hahaha

yeuyeu said...

Thats about time for him/her to start thinking about future.