Sunday, November 23, 2008


My sister texted me to tell me that Oku is dead. We have two dogs at home, Oku is the black one (and the more obedient one too). Poor dog. Mum said he had internal injury before we had him because he had been badly beaten by his previous owner before. Few weeks ago he started to eat lesser than usual, mum and sis thought that he was being picky over food because he didn't look sick at all. He became thinner and thinner. He was also making funny disgusting noises (from what sis told me). Yesterday he showed some bad symptoms. And then today he died. Dad buried him in our garden.

Oku means 'black mushroom' in Hokkien

I only saw him for less than 3 months when I went back home last year. I know he was the more obedient one compared to the other dog that we have because he stood still and never struggled when mum bathed him. He never ran away when we said it's bathing time. He licked our fingers when we held out our hand. He raised his paws and put them in our palms naturally when we touched him. It was funny to see him shiver when it rained, so we quickly took him to the front door where there's shade (we usually kept him at the back of the house). Both of our dogs fought when they saw each other, so we never put them close together.

So I guess Sam (the other dog) is the king now eh?


Chien said...

aww! poor dog!
REst in peace and may he join mine in heaven =D

*jeSSicA* said...

chien: ...and they'll play with each other? =)

Siew Ting said...


*jeSSicA* said...

siew ting: cute right?