Yup, we had 'lok-lok' (I never know it's called lok-lok...)
The beautiful girls
The cool guys of some football team
The lovely cake with lovely candles
The birthday boy
Jamie Oliver: Happy birthday, Shea Chuen!!
we should all enjoy our lives, don't you think? feel free to drop any comments on any posts, I'll read all...even the older ones. =)
Yup, we had 'lok-lok' (I never know it's called lok-lok...)
The beautiful girls
The cool guys of some football team
The lovely cake with lovely candles
The birthday boy
Jamie Oliver: Happy birthday, Shea Chuen!!
I went 'WAAAHHHHHH' when I saw the present she gave me!
It's also my very first album collection! Yay =D Thanks dear! Been listening to his songs till now, not bad wow~~ ^_^
p/s: 你都把你的爱人送给我了,难道还不爱死你吗? =P
Always my big sis
bubur cha-cha
the cook
egg tarts!
That's not only it...she also made banana cake, tong sui, butter cake...but I didn't have the pictures of them. 'Holidays is the only time when you are free and feel like baking,' she said.
I think this is the only group pic with all of us together =)
And it started snowing!! But this time it's artificial snow LOL
After sorting out our groceries, Ryan, Yun Ying and me started to marinade the chicken wings and beef. It was a marinade recipe we created ourselves on-the-spot, we were thinking that it should turn out great. And it did! =D
It was really fun barbecue-ing. We chat, we laughed, we ate as much as we could. It was really funny when we, who were barbecue-ing the meat, tried to stop Yu Wan from putting too much butter.
Yun Ying (seeing Yu Wan putting butter): 友望,不要涂酱多 butter 了!(trying to stop her)
Yu Wan: 可是我要涂啊!做么你们不给我涂?!我从那边被赶来这边……
me: 友望,够了够了,你已经涂很多 butter 了……
Yun Ying: 去去去,赶你走 =P
me: 没有人要请你涂 butter 了
Yu Wan: Arggghhhh~~!!
When Ryan and Yun Ying was cleaning the barbecue grill (I don't know what you call it so I used the word 'grill'), I poured some water on the hot surface - immediately there was white smoke as expected, and I ran away a few steps.
Someone (can't remember who asking me): 你做么跑得这么远?
me: 因为我看到巫公和巫婆!
Towards the end of the BBQ, we were talking on the topic of social dance, and we asked Wen Ter to demonstrate the dance steps for us! Chau Wang was his 'female' partner for the dance LOL!
I really enjoyed times like this spent with friends...especially when you have good food around =P
Went to San Churro after our dinner with Amelene at Stalactite (great Greek food but I didn't take any pictures of the food!)...I ordered mint chocolate, tasted good =)
Sushi making (3/7/2008)
Suggested by Chean Ying...to finish our packet of sushi rice (left over from Nooi Hoay's birthday celebration). Not my first time making sushi, but it's still very fun - coz this time we actually arranged the sushi to make a nice decoration!
1st plate
2nd plate
Front view of 2nd plate...to have a better look at the 'tall' sushi =P
me and Chean Ying with our sushi! Spent more than 2 hours on them!
Chocolate (again!) at Max Brenner (4/7/2008)
Went shopping with Li Ping to Queen Victoria Market and DFO, then went to yum cha (erm..should be chocolate) at Max Brenner in Melbourne Central.