Saturday, December 23, 2006

I'm b o r e d .

Strange that I feel bored at home? This is because my form 6 friends are in Taiwan now, they joined a tour... and there's one friend in Japan, he joined YE... that means, me alone in KB???

Playing games all day = in front of the computer screen/tv screen all day is no fun to me unless I haven't played the game before. Well, you know what I mean...the games that I have, I have already finished them all...

Reading books? No way! I have been reading books the whole year... novels don't seem to please me nowadays.

Playing the piano? Err...anyone out there got any new songs? I think I can memorize the rhythm/fingerings/notes etc of the songs I played, so if I play them again and again it'll be like....duh....(OK la, I admit that I'm lazy...)

And, I miss my college friends.


Anonymous said...

New songs ah, go Internet download lo. Got plenty of anime songs, that is, if you're into anime =p

kedekut said...

You completed piano grade 8 right?
CNN reported that the entire Mozart collection is available for free download in PDF format.
I am still searching for it though.

Shin Yau's reader

syyeam said...

Wah, Kedekut, I'm surprised to see u here =)
Wah...somemore use my name..I'm honoured =)

oh btw, Jessica, u know what happen to ling weng? how come she never update her blog one ah? So long d..

*jeSSicA* said...

Amanda: haha, i mean songs that i can play on the piano one...haha..

kedekut: yeah how u know? entire mozart collection? i got volume 1 of his sonatas though, and i'm really not good in searching for classical songs. coz everytime my sis wanna do her theory she has to look for programme notes online, then each time either it's 'you have to pay $$$' or 'you have to buy this buy that'. haha..

yeam: yo, din realise u also so SS one. ling weng ar, i asked her already, she said she's quite lazy to on her laptop, plus she's glued to the TV (u know that she's tv queen right?) =P

well guys, thanks for reading!

kedekut said...

I assumed because seems like every AUSMATian I know is an accomplished musician. Have you ever SS-ed at the lobby of Hotel Renaissance KB? They used to have pianists performing on the grand piano but not anymore.

*jeSSicA* said...

wat do u mean 'SS-ed' at the lobby of hotel renaissance? i went there to have my piano exam few years ago.

syyeam said... seems that SS is a very popular term nowadays..

and yes, i like to SS..hehe..i think most of the teenagers today like to do so =p increases our self confidence.

wah..that drama queen..glued to the entertainment box until abandon her blog for so long...think this time is her longest.

Amanda Chan said...

Haha, I was talking about anime piano scores =p Available from the Internet.

kedekut said...

I meant whether you ever played any piano there and you answered already.
Wow... got two Kiwi 13 bloggers SS-ing here too.