Monday, September 25, 2006

another friend going off...

My aiya bro Shean Wei is leaving for UK today. And I can't be at KLIA to send him off. *sigh*

I have known him since Standard 5, he was sitting behind me in class. He's always making fun and jokes. I still vividly remember one of his naughty acts during Standard 5.. There's this girl called Mei Xian sitting beside her, and one day while she left her seat to get something from the teacher, he took a dead lizard and placed it on her chair. See? Really naughty huh... and that girl sort of screamed (coz I warned her to look at her chair before sitting down)..

My classmates started calling him as my aiya bro, probably because both of us have the same surname and me being the youngest girl in class. Hehe... In Standard 6, his nickname was 'chen ji zha' 陈吱喳 because he talked a lot. Probably the most talkative guy in class! And some called him 'black bull'.. maybe because his skin is dark...hahaha...

On to secondary school..he's one of the 6 of us from our primary school Chung Cheng to transfer to Chung Hwa Secondary School. Dunno why we weren't that close in Form 1,2 and 3 compared to during primary school. I think it's because we're in different class, haha.. anyway in Form 4 and 5 we went for the same Chemistry tuition, and so we're chatty as usual again. He's always making friends around him laughing non-stop, coz he can make jokes even it's about a very small matter. He's also the playful type, with him around, the word 'boredom' never came across our minds. There's always topic to talk about with him (since he can talk a lot). Oh, I love his drawings!! He's really good in art as he could control the water colour brush well.

Well...bon voyage bro! All the best, and I know fate will let us meet again... we'll miss you.

Remember when come back Malaysia must inform our friends huh! (dunno whether I'll be around or not though...) then we can go yam cha as we used to, and talk about the old times we had...hehe!! Take care yo!!


t.v. said...

Next time remember to send me off larh k?
Ohya, one more thing, did you know ah Ma has gone to US few weeks ago?
I only knew about this just now while chatting with him.

kedekut said...
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